OSU Apple Cider Vinegar Review: One of the Best?

OSU Apple Cider Vinegar Review: One of the Best?

OSU Apple Cider Vinegar Review: One of the Best?

One of my very first posts on this site was an Osu Apple Cider Vinegar Review comparing it to Willy’s Apple Cider Vinegar, at the time two of the most common Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) brands available on the market in the UK. Even to this day, they’re two of the main ‘artisan’ brands available in main supermarkets. I have since come back to it and updated with a review of a few more of my favourites. I have a lot of fondness about that article, because it was one of my first posts. It has since proven to be a really well received post. Clearly the topic of Apple Cider Vinegar, especially Osu’s ACV is a hot topic in the UK.


Benefits of Fermented Drinks for Gut Health

This isn’t surprising as more and more people are getting on board both with the benefits of fermented foods for gut health, fermented drinks and the general growing awareness of the needs to improve our gut microbiome. More and more people are embracing drinks such as apple cider vinegar as they understand their health benefits, and the need for probiotics for gut health. Heck, we’re even seeing people put probiotics in coffee.

So I have wanted to write this post going into detail for this Osu Apple Cider Vinegar Review. Before I do that, there are a few questions I will answer – is Osu Apple Cider Vinegar good for you? Does Osu Apple Cider Vinegar help you lose weight and what are the ingredients of Osu ACV?

This isn’t a paid feature

Before continuing, I need to declare that I have received no financial incentive or otherwise from Osu in writing this review. In fact, I haven’t even had any correspondence with the company. Please rest assured that this review is completely based upon my own research and experience of the product and is not clouded by any other influence. If you want to go ahead and buy OSU after reading this review, then you can consider Tesco.

The two main flavours provided which will be covered in this Osu Apple Cider Vinegar Review Post

Is Osu Apple Cider Vinegar Good for You?

In short. Yes! Osu Apple Cider Vinegar is good for you? Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a natural product. It is made through a process of fermentation using ‘the mother’. This is much like the Kombucha SCOBY containing various yeasts and bacteria. Because of this, it contains lots of probiotic goodies that help your gut microbiome.

Although Osu Apple Cider Vinegar may be a relatively new brand on the market, ACV has been around for centuries. It is made with fermented apple juice containing acetic acid, various vitamins and minerals. And due to the fermentation process, some of these benefits of of Osu Apple Cider Vinegar are extensive. The science is only now playing catch up but there are plenty of studies showing that ACV can help regulate blood sugar levels, reducing cholesterol, improving digestive health and boosting immunity. It can can also help reduce inflammation, improve skin health, and help with weight management.

Does Osu Apple Cider Vinegar help you lose weight?

In this Osu Apple Cider Vinegar Review we discuss whether it can help you lose weight

Again, short and to the point – the answer is yes!

Osu apple cider vinegar could be beneficial for weight loss. You may already have heard of the apple cider vinegar diet? It is believed that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can help reduce fat storage and water retention in the body. This may lead to a drop in weight. It can also help reduce appetite by making you feel fuller for longer, leading to a lower calorie intake. Additionally, apple cider vinegar can help increase metabolism, leading to more calories being burned.

Research also indicates that it can increase the breakdown of fats in the body. This may help lead to weight loss. It may also help reduce the production of fat, leading to smaller fat stores. ACV may help reduce blood sugar levels, leading to a decrease in insulin levels and fat storage. However the science is still playing catch up, so watch this space!

And did you know, OSU Apple Cider Vinegar may be beneficial for skincare

apple cider vinegar, may even help with skincare

That’s right, there’s a some suggestion that ACV may be linked to improve skincare. It contains malic acid. This compound may help reduce wrinkles and age spots. It may also help reduce acne and redness due to its anti-inflammatory properties. However, the science is not yet robust enough on this yet.

On top of that, ACV is a great addition to any haircare regimen.

How can I incorporate it into my diet?

Adding ACV to your daily routine can be a great way to help improve overall health and wellbeing. ACV can be added to your diet by mixing it with water and drinking it. I personally love drinking it with sparkling water. My wife is a massive fan of the Osu Apple Cider Vinegar with Blueberry and Pomegranate whilst I prefer the ‘original’ flavour which is Apple.

If you don’t fancy this and would like something a bit more ‘zazzy’, you could try some amazing fermented drink cocktails. One such example is ‘The Apple Cider Mule’. So if you’re struggling adding to salad or to sparkling water, why not give this option a go?

So, onto the review….

So what are my thoughts in this Osu Apple Cider Vinegar Review

Well, first of all, before I continue with this Osu Apple Cider Vinegar review, I must declare that I am a huge fan of Osu Apple Cider Vinegar. Their vinegars are very much a constant presence in our larder. The taste is absolutely sublime. My go to drink is adding ACV to sparkling water – in fact I found this combination helped contribute towards me giving up alcohol. This combo gives me the much needed drink to disassociate myself from work, much like alcohol did.

Price point

As at June 2023, you can still look to purchase a 500ml bottle for approximately £7.50 and it is available at all the major retailers. I did find when I wrote my initial review last July that you could find it on sale at around £6, however, I haven’t seen any promotions like this for a long time. It has definitely become an established player on the supermarket shelves, now, even available in places like Tesco, so perhaps doesn’t have the same need to reduce its prices.

This price puts it in the lower end of the artisanal vinegars, especially when you compare it to some of the more local brands available on line and in farmers markets. And, when compared to brands such as Willy’s Organic Cider Vinegar with mother it is pretty comparable.

It comes, with the mother

Osu Apple Cider vinegar comes ‘with the mother’. This is definitely a big plus point, especially for those customers looking to purchase an unpasteurised vinegar with a gut boosting probiotic profile for a healthy digestive system.


This is the one area that I personally feel in this Osu Apple Cider Vinegar review, that it is let down a little bit. Although, all ingredients are ‘natural’, it does contain concentrated fruit juices. I’m a huge fan of clean eating and really try to steer clear of anything that doesn’t really come in its natural form. I’m assuming the rationale for this is that it gives the vinegar a sweetness, and this certainly does make the vinegar more drinkable. It also allows them to produce a blueberry and pomegranate apple cider vinegar. However, there are other brands on the market that don’t have additives and still manage to deliver a highly drinkable product – one such example is Natural Umber, from Northern Ireland.

So what is the verdict in this Osu Apple Cider Vinegar Review?

The Osu Apple Cider Vinegar is highly drinkable, it comes with mother which is great if you’re after a probiotic fix and comes in at a reasonable price point. The only thing that may let you down, are the ingredients, if you are like me and like to avoid ultra processed ingredients.

For that reason, I score the Osu Apple Cider Vinegar a strong 9/10

Further reading

If you enjoyed reading this review, then you may be interested in some other reviews that I’ve written:

Alternatively, if you’re after something completely different then you could consider checking out this recent ‘experiment’ I conducted, making kombucha from redbush tea, alternatively you may like to read how probiotics can be influential to help tackle acne